Ad Tech Ecosystem: OneTag

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What is OneTag?

OneTag is a future-focused programmatic advertising solution that claims to be building programmatic 3.0 — a complete ecosystem of programmatic ad tech to make the process for both buyers and sellers streamlined and successful.

All About OneTag


The approval process to work with OneTag is simple. First, be sure your content and traffic meet the company’s guidelines, then add the dedicated ads.txt to your website or mobile app. 

If you submit your site or app from Google Open Bidding, you will be automatically enabled. Publishers using other integrations will need to work through the OneTag dashboard. First, upload your site or app, then wait 48 hours for a team member to approve your application.

Benefits for Publishers

OneTag is exceptionally easy and quick to integrate, meaning publishers can immediately start using the platform’s direct, tier-one demand. 

In addition to demand, publishers using OneTag also have impressively high win rates and CPMs. This is largely due to its advanced tech that focuses on high-value placements and relevant demand matching.

Finally, OneTag’s approach to compliance is data-driven—the platform prioritizes keeping up with privacy and data laws.

OneTag Reviews

OneTag doesn’t currently have reviews on any online review platform. 

Despite this, the platform is definitely trusted in the industry. Some of the companies that trust OneTag include The Weather Company, Sky Media, Daily Motion, and eBay. 

The platform sees 600 billion monthly bid requests and over 4 billion monthly paid impressions. Plus, publishers who use OneTag have an average win rate of between 10% and 15%.


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