The Complete Header Bidding Resource Center

What is Header Bidding?
Header bidding is a technique used by some publishers as an additional way to bring in revenue that they might not otherwise be able to access. It came out of frustration with structures imposed by ad servers that make it so that programmatic demand can’t be accessed all at once. This means publishers were leaving money on the table when awarding ad placements to bidding sources.

The Complete Guide to Header Bidding
Header Bidding Basics
What is Header Bidding?
Learn more about what header bidding is and why publishers should be using this key piece of technology.
6 Biggest Benefits of Header Bidding
Learn the ins and outs of header bidding and the 6 biggest benefits publishers can get from using this technique.
Header Bidding for Publishers: Why You Need It
Five key reasons why header bidding is a must-have programmatic advertising innovation for publishers.
Header Bidding Solutions: Maximizing Revenue from Header Bidding
Learn more about what it takes to properly set up and manage a header bidding solution and all the benefits from doing so.
A Guide to Header Bidding Technology
Header bidding technology brought to the table the ability to capture the best bid on every ad impression - not just the first bid. Learn more about this revolutionary technology in our guide.
Video Header Bidding: What Publishers Need to Know
Five key reasons why header bidding is a must-have programmatic advertising innovation for publishers.

Technical Details About Header Bidding
How In-App Header Bidding Works
Learn how you can utilize in-app header bidding to maximize your app advertising revenue.
Exchange Bidding vs Header Bidding
In the Exchange Bidding vs header bidding showdown, who wins the night and brings in the most revenue for publishers? This article has the answers.
How a Header Bidding Integration Works
Implementing header bidding is simply the process of setting up your website or app to do header bidding. Learn all the steps in the header bidding integration process.
What is a Header Bidding Wrapper?
Header bidding wrappers are a critical piece of header bidding technology for publishers. But what is a header bidding wrapper exactly?
Header Bidding vs. Programmatic
Sometimes these terms are used interchangeably or can be confusing. Header bidding is one component of the programmatic ecosystem If you're new to the terms, take some time read this article.
Learn how Letterboxd increased their revenue 490% through partnership with Playwire

Yield Increase On Header Bidding
CPM Increase for Direct Sales Deals
CPM Increase from Data Management Platform
YoY Revenue Increase from Previous App Provider
Selecting a Header Bidding Partner
Playwire vs. DIY Header Bidding Solutions
Trying to decide between DIY header bidding and header bidding with Playwire? We’ll compare the two approaches so you know exactly what you’re in for no matter what.
A Breakdown of Playwire's Header Bidding Technology
Learn more about how RAMP's header bidding solution maximizes competition and minimizes management time.
A Breakdown of Playwire's In-App Header Bidding Technology
Learn more about how RAMP's revolutionary in-header bidding solution helps app publishers demand and generate more in-app ad revenue.
Best Header Bidding Partners
Learn more about the top header bidding partners available to publishers, and decide which is right for your needs.
Going Beyond Header Bidding: Revenue Intelligence
Revenue Intelligence is proprietary technology Playwire has developed to be driven by a single purpose: to increase ad revenue for publishers. Read more about how it works.
Learn how the combination of Header Bidding and Revenue Intelligence increased Raider.IO's ad revenue by 50%

Ad Units
Read the Latest on Header Bidding

Frequently Asked Questions About Header Bidding
How Does Header Bidding Work?
Header bidding takes multiple bids for a particular ad unit, allows them to compete in a unified auction, and selects the winning bid to fill the ad slot.
What is Waterfall vs. Header Bidding?
Before header bidding, the so-called “waterfall” approach dominated the programmatic advertising landscape. Basically, there would be a list of bidders. The request for bids on particular pieces of inventory would go to one bidder first and then to the next and so on until one of them bid an acceptable amount of money on the inventory.
This created a problem. Publishers using this method miss out on potential revenue because they’re at the mercy of the first bidder to make a bid. Someone further down the chain might have been willing to bid more, but the publisher would have never known.
Header bidding solves that problem. The waterfall approach prioritizes the first bidder, but header bidding prioritizes the highest bidder. Header bidding is truly a publisher-first solution, aiming to truly maximize revenue for the publisher, by letting all bids compete. And the auction happens before an ad server is ever called.
While the waterfall method pings the ad server with an estimated cost per mille (CPM), header bidding completes the auction and either allows the publisher or header bidding partner to pick the best one, or returns all the bids to the server, which will then pick the best in real-time and in conjunction with direct demand and similar line items.
Why is Header Bidding Important?
For publishers, the primary benefit of header bidding is clear: increased revenue. In fact, many publishers using header bidding have increased their CPMs for premium inventory by up to 50%, according to Digiday.
But there’s more to it than simply a jump in CPMs, although that’s a pretty compelling benefit. Because header bidding allows publishers to branch out and use multiple supply-side platforms (SSPs), average yield can increase due to an increased fill rate and better allocation of impressions.
Beyond CPMS and yield, publishers who use header bidding have more control. They can pick and choose which bidders are allowed to participate in the simultaneous auctions of their inventory. In some cases, they can even prioritize certain agencies and advertisers in their auctions to keep demand-generating relationships going strong.
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