Flex Skin Ad Unit
One of our highest yield options for web display ads.

About the Ad Unit
This unit includes a Flex Leaderboard that sticks to the top of the viewport and dynamically inserts a skin in the left and right margins, or empty areas, of your site. This is a high yield feature, activated on high-advertiser-spend campaigns.
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Technical Details
This unit is dynamically inserted into the page by our script only when a skin is available to serve.
User Experience
The Flex Skin unit automatically hides any other adhesive unit on the page, keeping ad clutter in check.
High Yield
This is one of the highest yield display options, and one of the most common units sold by our direct sales team.
Requirements for Flex Skins
Your site background must be transparent in order to let the full site skin show through on the margins and background, but your site content must be opaque to ensure the website copy is legible and not placed against the skin.

Your site will need to have a maximum height of 150 pixels for the top navigation to ensure no overlap of ads and content.

Your site has to have a content width of 1,100 pixels maximum. Anything wider could prevent the Flex Skin from being fully visible or clickable.
About using Flex Skins
$25-35 Page view RPM
Flex skins are capable of commanding a $25-35 page view RPM, a massive increase over the traditional display units you'd be using in their place.
A positive user experience
Contrary to popular belief, skins do not create a negative user experience. In fact, skins can reduce ad clutter, actually improving overall user experience.
Direct Sales Opportunities
This is one of the most coveted units by direct advertisers; making your site flex skin-ready can bring in lucrative brand dollars and cool custom experiences.
Examples of Flex Skins

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