Key Points

  • Primary Event Schema Properties: Event listing websites should include specific Event schema properties in their structured data markup, some of which include StartDate, EndDate, and Location schema. 
  • Nested Schema Types: Publishers should also include information about event performers, associated organizations, and offers in nested schema types like Person and Organization schema.
  • Schema Markup Implementation: Event schema markup implementation includes either creating the markup manually or using a schema markup generator, then pasting it into your HTML document in the header section or the body before the closing </body> tag.

Behind the scenes of every great website is a long list of technical and backend strategies to make the show run smoothly.

Think website development, schema, and SEO (Search Engine Optimization).

When done right, these strategies uplift and support your content like a stage crew does with leading actors.

Although the stage crew is not necessarily seen, remaining completely invisible to the audience,  their work remains essential to the success of the overall production.

The same is true for your SEO strategy — the technical strategies and practices involved in web publishing are some of the most confusing and complicated parts of the job. However, mastery of these strategies can help your site stand out amongst competitors. 

In this article, we’ll cover one of those SEO strategies: how and why to add schema markup to your event listing website.

Keep reading to learn how to turn your website into a Tony Award winner.

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The Complete Guide to Schema for Website Publishers and Content Creators

13 Types of Event Listing Website Schema Properties

There are plenty of schema generator appsschema tools, and plugins to help you create structured data markup for your event listing webpage. 

But, if you want to learn the ins and outs for yourself, here’s what you need to know.

1. Context and Type

Let’s start by dressing the set.

All schema must begin with an open tag that specifies the script type. For this example, we’ll use the most common format, JSON-LD.

From there, add the context and the type of event.

Here’s what the beginning of your schema markup will look like:

<script type="application/ld+json">


  "@context": "",

  "@type": "MusicEvent",

2. Name

Now for the important details. Start by adding the name of your event:

  "name": "Summer Jam 2024",

3. StartDate and EndDate

Input information about the date and time:

  "startDate": "2024-08-15T18:00",

  "endDate": "2024-08-15T23:00",


Quick intermission to discuss time formatting for schema markup. Remember that all time data should adhere to ISO 8601 format. Like this: 2024-07-10T14:30:00.

Okay, places, please. Let’s get back to the article.

4. Location

Next, add information about where the event takes place.

Nest Place schema inside the Location schema to enrich the search engine’s understanding of the event venue. 

Some data to include in the Place schema:

  • The name of the place
  • The address (nested as PostalAddress schema)
  • Contact information like a phone number or email address
  • URLs to related websites
  • A logo or image of the place
  • SameAs schema pointing to other webpages for the place

And here’s what it looks like for our example Summer Jam 2024 listing.

  "location": {

    "@type": "Place",

    "name": "Grand Arena",

    "address": {

      "@type": "PostalAddress",

      "streetAddress": "456 Concert Lane",

      "addressLocality": "Music City",

      "addressRegion": "CA",

      "postalCode": "90210",

      "addressCountry": "US"


5. Image

Adding Image schema to an event listing has multiple benefits, including better visibility in rich snippets or enriched Google search engine results, improved reader experience, and increased event attendance rates. 

To include a photo in a search result, add the URL to the picture under Image schema:

  "image": [





6. Description 

Now it’s time for the tagline.

Include a short, punchy description of the event. Remember, even though this data is going into an HTML document, it will be visible to readers in your search results. 

So pull out a typewriter and bring the drama. 

Here’s an example:

  "description": "Join us for an unforgettable night at the Summer Jam 2024, featuring three of the most popular bands. A musical extravaganza you won't want to miss!",

7. Offers

Offer schema for events is a schema type where publishers can include information about tickets or related products. 

Some key elements of offer schema include:

  • The URL where readers can purchase tickets
  • The price and currency
  • The availability
  • The date and time constraints for the offer
  • The type of item being offered

Here’s an example:

  "offers": {

    "@type": "Offer",

    "url": "",

    "price": "75",

    "priceCurrency": "USD",

    "availability": "",

    "validFrom": "2024-07-01T12:00"


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Explore the Complete Schema Resource Center

8. Performer

The stars, the headliners, the featured acts: whose names are on the marquee?

Including information about the performers at an event helps search engines further understand the context and content of your event listing page. 

Here’s what that looks like in action:

  "performer": [


      "@type": "MusicGroup",

      "name": "The Rockers",

      "sameAs": ""



      "@type": "MusicGroup",

      "name": "Jazz Masters",

      "sameAs": ""



      "@type": "MusicGroup",

      "name": "Pop Icons",

      "sameAs": ""



9. EventStatus 

The next two key elements of structured data to include in your Event schema are EventStatus and EventAttendanceMode.

EventStatus schema keeps the readers up-to-date on the status of the show, so they show up at the right time. 

The options for this include:

  • EventCancelled
  • EventPostponed
  • EventRescheduled
  • EventScheduled

It looks like this:

  "eventStatus": "",

10. EventAttendanceMode

EventAttendanceMode schema explains how guests can attend the event — is it online, offline, or hybrid?

The options:

Here’s an example:

"eventAttendanceMode": "",

10. Organizer

If Adele is headlining a music event, you better believe the marketers are going to put her name front and center.

She’s one of the most well-known music artists in the biz. So anyone who reads her name will trust they’re in for a good performance.

Including Organizer schema in structured data markup for events has the same effect. It can improve a search engine’s understanding of an event’s authority, trustworthiness, and popularity. This is especially true if the organizer has hosted successful events in the past.

Add the opening tag, then include the nested Organization schema.

This is what it looks like:

 "organizer": {

    "@type": "Organization",

    "name": "MusicFest Inc.",

    "url": ""


12. DoorTime

 Next, include the time when the event starts admitting guests: 

  "doorTime": "2024-08-15T17:00",

13. EventSchedule

Finally, add details about the event schedule using the nested Schedule schema.

Here’s an example: 

  "eventSchedule": [


      "@type": "Schedule",

      "startTime": "2024-08-15T18:00",

      "endTime": "2024-08-15T19:00",

      "description": "Opening act by The Rockers"



      "@type": "Schedule",

      "startTime": "2024-08-15T19:30",

      "endTime": "2024-08-15T20:30",

      "description": "Jazz Masters live performance"



      "@type": "Schedule",

      "startTime": "2024-08-15T21:00",

      "endTime": "2024-08-15T23:00",

      "description": "Headlining act by Pop Icons"





How to Use Schema on Your Event Listing Site

Once you’ve generated your schema markup (manually or with a generator, if you decide to phone a friend for assistance), it’s time to add it to the site’s HTML document.

There are a handful of options to choose from. Here are a few:

  1. The most popular choice is to paste the code into your site’s header section.
  2. Alternatively, you can add the code to the body section of your site’s code, before the final </body> closing tag.

Storing Schema Markup Externally

Larger sites managing extensive structured markup can keep their data in an external file. 

Here’s what that schema code looks like:

<script type="application/ld+json" src="schema-data.json"></script> 

Make it Big With Playwire

If you’re ready to step out of the tech booth to focus on the center (content) stage, Playwire can help.

Think of us as your producer. You write, direct, and star in some of the best content on the web. We make sure the box office tickets sell out.

We have the advertising tech, tools, and expertise to help you reach and exceed your revenue goals.

If you’re ready to see your website’s name in bright white lights, reach out to us today to get started.

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