Ad Unit Layouts:
and Other
Page Types
Learn how to structure your ad units on gallery or similar page types.
Anatomy of
Special Pages
Special pages have highly variable formats, but some potential examples include:
- Galleries or slider pages
- Accordion-based content
- Video pages
Galleries or Sliders
Galleries or sliders offer the option to include interstitial ads between slides in the gallery. If you go this route, we'd recommend an ad no more than once per 3 slides or so.
If your details pages include videos, like video tours for example, there is always an option for pre-content video ads that play before the content begins.
Accordions are typically used to house primarily text-based content, there is always the option to include a leaderboard in the expanded content.
Tabbed Sections
Depending on what is displayed in tabbed sections, there may be an opportunity to put a leaderboard below the content of a tab to utilize open screen space.
Listing Sections
Often used for showcasing other recommended listings that are similar to the current one, there is always the option to layer an in-article unit between rows of listings, depending on length.
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