Ad Yield Ops 106: Correcting Yield Issues

Learn what to do to correct yield issues once you have been able to identify the source of the concern.



Lesson Overview + Resources:

In this lesson, we'll discuss how to correct yield performance issues once you have identified them. This includes tips for:

  • How to solve yield performance issues by yourself
  • How to solve yield performance issues that may require the involvement of other teams

Here are additional resources pertaining to the lesson above:

Read the Transcript:

Diagnosing a yield issue is only half the battle. Now you have to determine what to do to correct it!

While it feels like we’ve run a marathon already, all we’ve done thus far is find the problem [Show these words on the screen next to Stacy on one side]. Now comes the herculean task of actually fixing the problem [Show these words on the screen next to Stacy on the other side]. Unfortunately, this is something that simply must be tackled on a case by case basis.

It is difficult to prescribe a process, because what needs to be done will be heavily dependent on the issue that has been identified.

Sometimes the fix will be simple and obvious. Sometimes it won’t.

Sometimes the fix will involve your engineering and development teams. Sometimes it won’t.

Sometimes the fix will be out of your control, and you may need to talk to a demand partner to try and fix it. (It really helps to have a good relationship with your SSPs for this one.) Sometimes it won’t.

Basically, the point of all of this is: each problem, once identified, will come with its own unique fix. As you tackle problems, you’ll need to figure out how to fix them as they come.

This requires a team with both depth and breadth across a number of skills including ad operations, development, relationship management, and more.