Ad Yield Ops 106: Alerting: Metrics to Monitor
Learn exactly which yield performance metrics you should be monitoring on a regular basis.
Lesson Overview + Resources:
In this lesson, we will walk through which ad yield performance metrics you should be monitoring and why. This includes:
- How to calculate Pageview RPM, and why it is considered a Key Performance Indicator (KPI) for ad yield performance
- How often to measure ad yield performance metrics
Here are links to additional resources pertaining to this module:
Read the Transcript:
Let’s dig in by learning which metrics you should be monitoring on a regular basis.
You’ll want to start by building an alerting system to catch drops in performance before they can create huge dips in your income. The ultimate metric we recommend watching is your page view RPM.
Page view RPM (PV RPM) is the gold standard metric for ad revenue for publishers. To get this amount, you’ll take your total ad revenue over a given period of time, divide it by your number of page views over the same time period, then multiply by 1,000 to get an effective page view RPM.
___________________ x 1,000
This metric helps to remove any effects of increases in page views from your calculation to help you truly understand how your ads are working.
You should have some sort of dashboard built where you can see this number real time and easily compare with previous periods. If your current system doesn’t make it easy to look at page view RPM in these ways, it might be time to find one.